Currency Exchange Rates

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The Currency Exchange Rates Report is used when using InFocus Muli-Currency.The report gives you the Currencies currently configured in your system as well as the "Currency Pairs" that are configured in your system This information comes from General Accounting> Multi-Currency. More on Multi-Currency






Exchanges Rate From This Date Forward - This date is used as a "Since" date and brings in all Currency Pairs since the date selected.
Include Inactive Currencies - When selected, Currencies that have been marked as Inactive will be brought into the report.




Report Columns

Name - Required Field containing the selected culture's currency name.
Code - International three character monetary code. This important setting drives the import of system exchange rates.
Symbol - Represents the system wide currency symbol.
Culture - Configures the base culture the business is operating in and drives system report formats.
Units - Represents the smallest unit in the selected currency. Example: For U.S. Dollars, 1 represents the Penny (the system will round to the nearest penny).
Precision - Defines columns to the right of the decimal place and drives system rounding. Example: Precision 2 rounds to the nearest hundredth (5.248 = 5.25).
Major Denomination - Defines the singular and plural cases for check printing. For example, USD major labels are "dollar" and "dollars".
Minor Denomination - Defines the singular and plural cases for check printing. For example, USD minor labels are "cent" and "cents".



From Currency - The originating currency in the exchange.
ToCurrency - The destination currency in the exchange.
Triangulating Currency - The interim currency in the exchange if required. A triangulation is used when no direct exchange rate exists between currencies. For instance, if an exchange from Yens to Euros did not exist but Yen to USD and USD to Euro exchanges did exist, the currency pair for Yens to Euros could be defined, triangulated via USD. Please note to utilize a triangulating currency, there must be accompanying currency pairs to define the exchange relationship between the From and Triangulating currency and the Triangulating and To currencies.
Use Reciprocal - Indicates the defined exchanges relationship can be utilized inversely.
Date - Date the Exchange Rate was at that rate.
Exchange Rate - The Exchange Rate from the From Currency to the To Currency.

