Expense Check Stub

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The Expense Check Stub report is designed to be run by the employee who receives a check.  It will detail what expense sheet items are being paid on a given check.  To make this available to all employees first give permissions to a group that includes all employees and then assign the report to appear in the Personal module.


Data: Disbursement Journal, Employee Reimbursable's Journal and Expense Sheets


Note: Only checks run by the Logged in user are returned when the report is run.




Check No (required) - The check number, from the Disbursement, that the employee wants to see the detail for.




Report Columns

Check No. - Check Number (Disbursement) of the check that was posted to pay the reimbursable amount.
Invoice No. - The Employee Reimbursable ID Number that was created after importing Expense Sheets.
Expense Sheet - The Date and Expense Sheet Name of the Expense Sheet that was used to create the Employee Reimbursable Journal Entry.
Date - Transaction Date from the Expense Sheet.
Project Path -  Project Path from the Expense Sheet.
Project Name -  Project Name from the Expense Sheet.
Exp. Code - Expense Code from the Expense Sheet.
Amount - Reimbursable Amount from the Expense Sheet.

