Expense Code Listing

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This report lists all the Expense Codes set up in the system. You are able to filter by Type, Status and by those only viewable in Expense Sheets.






Type - The type of Expense Code. This refers to the "Exp. Code Type" column in the Expense Code applet.  Options are Other Direct Charge (ODC), Consultant, In-Contract Consultant (ICC), Out of Contract Consultant (OCC) and Any Type.
Status - Active Status of the Expense Codes. Options are Active, Inactive and All.
Only Codes Viewable In Expense Sheets - When selected, only expense codes that can be viewed in Expense Sheets are returned.  This refers to the "Show in Expense Sheet" checkbox.
Sort By - Sorts the returned results. Options are Code and Name.



Report Columns

Expense Code
Expense Name
Type - The type of Expense Code. This refers to the "Exp. Code Type" column in the Expense Code applet.  Options are Other Direct Charge (ODC), Consultant, In-Contract Consultant (ICC) and Out of Contract Consultant (OCC).
Status -  Active Status of the Expense Code. Options are Active, Inactive and All.
Currency (optional) - The Currency associated with the Expense Code.

