Expense Group Detail

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The Expense Group Detail report lists the expense group detail and setup including expense codes and markups.





Expense Group Name (required) - Name of the Expense Group
Expense Group Active Date -  Since Expense Groups are date sensitive, the Active Date is used to filter out Expense Groups that have period dates that include the Active Date.



Report Columns

Code - Expense Code
Name - Expense Name
Type - The type of Expense Code. This refers to the "Exp. Code Type" column in the Expense Code applet.  Options are Other Direct Charge (ODC), Consultant, In-Contract Consultant (ICC) and Out of Contract Consultant (OCC).
MU Type - Markup Type.  The type of markup that calculates the Bill Rate for the expense. More on Expense Codes
Markup - Depending on the Markup Type, this is the number that is used to calculate the Bill Rate of the Expense.
Unit Rate - The Cost Rate of the expense. Depending on the Markup Type, this is the number that is as the "base" in the calculation of the Bill Rate of the Expense.
Currency (optional) - The Currency associated with the Expense Code.

