Expense Sheet Status

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This report is designed to be run by the individual employee.  It will give a status report on expense sheets for a given date range.  Possible statuses are paid, processed (imported and approved by accounting but not yet paid), declined (rejected by accounting), mgr approved (approved by manager), submitted (by employee), and unsubmitted. To make this available to all employees first give permissions to a group that includes all employees and assign the report to appear in the Personal module.






Range Start Date - The Start Date used to filter out expense sheets by their Create Date.
Range End Date - The End Date used to filter out expense sheets by their Create Date.



Report Columns

Date - Transaction Date of the line item in the Expense Sheet.
Project - Project Path
Exp. Code - Expense Code
Reim. Amount- Amount to be Reimbursed to the employee.
Invoice No. - Employee Reimbursable ID number
Check No. - The Check Number associated with the check (disbursement) that was paid against the Employee Reimbursement.
Status - Status of the Expense. Statuses are Paid, Processed (imported and approved by accounting but not yet paid), Declined (rejected by accounting), Mgr. Approved (approved by manager), Submitted (by employee), and Unsubmitted.



