Labor By Location

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The Labor by Location Report report reflects data the most current version of submitted Time Sheets. The primary purpose of this report is to Filter/ Group by Locations that can optionally be used. Locations are assigned to the Employee and are typically used to identify where the actual work was done, for insurance reasons. More on Locations


Data: The data is collected from the Time Sheets table.


Note 1: Since this report displays Pay Cost and Job Cost, only employees that have the "Can View Pay Rates" and/or "Can View Job Cost Rates" special rights will be able see cost figures on this report. More on "Can View..." Special Rights.





Date Ranges

Start & End Date - Filters the data by the transaction date on the Time Sheet.




Location - Filters by the Location Code associated with the Tim Sheet.
Print Detail - When selected, The TimeID, Work Date, Hours, Amount Detail will be displayed on the report.
Print Comments - When selected, the time sheet comments will be displayed on the report.
Currency Type - The Type of Currency to be used when running the report. Options are Base, Company, Project and Transaction.
Currency Code - The Currency Code to be used when running the report. Options are set in the Multi-Currency applet. More on Multi-Currency



Sort By - Sort/Grouping options include, Employee / Project



Report Columns

Location -  Location that associated with the Employee at the Time of Time sheet Entry. This can be overridden on the actual Time Sheet.
TimeID - Time Sheet ID code
Date - Work Date of the Time Sheet.
Hours - Work Hours associated with the Time Sheet.
Pay - Pay Cost associated with the Time Sheet.
Job Cost - Job Cost associated with the Time Sheet.
Effort - Effort (Bill Amount) associated with the Time Sheet.


