Locations Human Resources>Employees

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Locations are used to classify time sheets.  They are typically used to identify where the actual work was done.  The Location check-box must be selected in Global Settings>Time and Expense Tab in order to use this feature.




Key Concepts

Users can be given the ability to use Locations in their time sheets at Global Settings>Time and Expense Tab>Allow Users to Edit Timesheet section.
In many cases, Locations are used for Workers Compensation Insurance. For example, if an employee is in the Field, they are more likely to get injured than when they are in the office.


Field Descriptions

Below are field descriptions for the Locations pop-up.

Code - The Location Code. This must be unique
Location - The Location Name. The name of the location (ex.Field, Office, etc.).
Active - When checked, the location is active and can be selected in time sheets.