MC Revaluation Journal

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Journal report for MC Revaluations journal used when running Multi-Currency.






Starting Period -  The selected Starting G/L Period for the report.  All returned data falls within the selected G/L Period.
Ending Period -  The selected Ending G/L Period for the report.  All returned data falls within the selected G/L Period.
Include Realized Gains and Losses -  When selected, Realized Gains Losses are includes in the returned data (Multi-Currency only). More on MC Revaluations
Include Unrealized Gains and Losses - When selected, Unrealized Gains Losses are includes in the returned data (Multi-Currency only). More on MC Revaluations
Include Manual Entries - When selected, transactions flagged as "Manual" in the MC Revaluations Journal will be included in the report.
Include Automated Entries - When selected, transactions NOT flagged as "Manual" in the MC Revaluations Journal will be included in the report.
Balance Sheet Account - A Balance Sheet Account can be selected to filter the report.
Company Currency Code -  The Company Currency Code to be used when running the report. Options are set in the Multi-Currency applet. More on Multi-Currency



Report Columns

MC Trans ID - ID Number of the MC Revaluation Journal Transaction.
JN - Journal that the transaction is going against. Options are PJ (Purchase Journal), ER (Employee Reimbursables) and SJ (Sales Journal)
Base Realized - Base Currency Amount that has been Realized.
Base Unrealized - Base Currency Amount that is Unrealized.
Company Realized - Company Currency Amount that has been Realized.
Company Unrealized - Company Currency Amount that is Unrealized.


