MC Revaluations General Accounting>MC Revaluations

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A new journal has been added to host multi-currency revaluations. Transactions in this journal are marked as realized or unrealized gains and losses. Any revaluation transaction has only two G/L accounts: the sub-ledger account that is being revalued; and the offsetting gains and losses account. Transactional lines include the gain or loss, and can optionally identify the project. A positive value represents a gain while a negative value a loss. For complete instructions go here: More on Multi-Currency



Key Concepts

This journal does not utilize a debits verses credits approach as a recorded positive value will act as a debit against the sub-ledger (Balance Sheet) account while simultaneously acting as a credit to the gains and losses (P&L) account. While this journal is used by automated system utilities with pre-posting reports to generate realized and unrealized gains and losses, manual entry in this journal is also supported.

Field Descriptions

Manual - Marked if entering the transaction manually
Balance Sheet Account - Sub-ledger account being revalued
Profit / Loss Account - Offsetting Gains and Losses account
GL Period - G/L posting period for the revaluation
Evaluation Date - Date used in evaluating the exchange rate
Realized - Indicates a realized or unrealized (unchecked) gain and loss.
GL Comments (header) - General notes for the revaluation.


MC Revaluations Grid

Base Amount - Amount in Base System Currency
Company Amount - Amount in Company Currency
Project - Specifies the project (optional)
GL Comments (detail) - General notes for the line item