No Project Reference

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The No Project Reference Report returns transactions with no project reference for a specified Time Frame, Journal Type(s), Metric(s). Additional filters include G/L Account, Org Unit and G/L Financial Type (Income and Expense or All).


Note: This report is useful when trying to tie out Project Profit to the Income Statement. Transactions that do not reference a project can cause variance.






Starting Period (required) -  The selected Starting G/L Period for the report.  All returned data falls within the selected G/L Period.
Ending Period (required) -  The selected Ending G/L Period for the report.  All returned data falls within the selected G/L Period.
Journal (required) - Journal to be reported on. Options are the General, Sales, Receipt, Purchase, ER and Disbursement Journals.
Metric (required) - The Metric Type of the G/L Account to be reported on.
G/L Account -  When selected, The report only returns the specified G/L Account Transactions. When left blank, all are returned.
Organization Unit - When selected, The report only returns the specified Org. Unit. When left blank, all are returned.
Just Income and Expense Accounts - When selected, only Accounts that have a Financial Type of Income or Expense (P&L Accounts) are included.




Report Columns

Journal - Journal that the Transactions originates.
Trans ID - ID number of the Journal entry.
Trans Date - Date of the Transaction.
Account Code - G/l Account Code
Master Name - Firm Name, Payee Name or Employee Name depending on the Journal.
Amount - Cost Amount


