Note Search

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The Note Search report searches the text of marketing notes entered throughout InFocus Master Files.






Start Date - Beginning Date used to filter the transactions that are brought into this report.
End Date - Ending Date used to filter the transactions that are brought into this report.
Project - When selected, The report only returns the specified project. When left blank, all are returned.
Employee - When selected, The report only returns the specified Employee. When left blank, all are returned.
Firm - When selected, The report only returns the specified Firm. When left blank, all are returned.
Contact Name - When selected, The report only returns the specified Employee. When left blank, all are returned.
Text to Search For - When text is entered here, the report looks for that specific line of text in the note comments.
1st Sort - When selected, the report will sort by the following Project, Client, Contact Name, Create Date, Owner
2nd Sort - Same as above
3rd Sort - Same as above



Report Columns

Date - Date of Note
Contact - Contact Associated with Note
Owner - Creator of the Note
Project - Project Associated with the Note
Client - Client Associated with the Note

