Pay When Paid By Receipt

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The Pay When Paid By Project report can be used for consulting pay when paid purposes.  This report operates off of a deposit date range. It requires that purchases be linked to Sales Journal and requires that breakdown receipt by revenue type is used. A unique feature of this report is it can create an A/P check batch based on the report's results.


Data: That Transactional data is collected from the Purchase, Disbursements, Receipts, and the Sales Journals.  The Budget information (optional) comes from Project Planning> Scheduling.  The Schedule data, for consultants, is entered in the OCC and/or ICC modes when in Project Planning. Be sure to roll-up the Schedules to Allocations and Allocations to Budgets once you have established the correct amounts.


Note1: Only consultant charges in the Purchase Journal (Vendor Invoice), that have been linked to a Sales Journal entry, are included in this report. Also, only A/R invoices with links to consultant purchases are included.


Note2: Vendors must be flagged as a "Consultant" in their Vendor File (AP> Vendors) to be pulled into this report.


Note 3: The PWP By Receipt uses a different algorithm than the other two PWP reports. In the PWP By Receipt a vendor invoice will not go into the Okay to Pay columns if it is connected to more than one sales entry. Basically, if your consultant vendors invoice for more than one project on an invoice the pay when pay by receipt will not show Okay to pay. It does not try to prorate the receipt in cases where the vendor invoice cites multiple SJ entries.





Starting Deposit Date - Uses the Start Date to filter Receipt Journal entries by the Deposit Date.
Ending Deposit Date - Uses the End Date to filter Receipt Journal entries by the Deposit Date.
Combine OCC and ICC Amounts - When selected, both OCC and ICC Amounts are combined in the report.
WBS Level - When selected, the Code of the WBS level is displayed on the report.
Create A/P Check Batch - When selected, an A/P Check Batch is created to pay all of the "Okay to Pay" amounts in AP Check writing. Simply go to Accounts Payable> A/P Check Writing> Load from Batch (toolbar) to pull up the Batch.




Top Grid

JN - PJ (Purchase Journal), SJ (Sales Journal), CD (Disbursements Journal) and CR (Receipts Journal)
Trans. ID - The ID number of the transaction
Trans. Date - Invoice Date (Purchase and Sales Journals), Deposit Date (Disbursements and Receipt Journals)
Invoice - Invoice Number (Purchase and Sales Journals)
WBS - The Code of the Work Breakdown Structure at the level selected in the reporting prompt.
OCC (Received) - Portion of the Receipt that is classified as Out of Contract Consultants.
ICC (Received) - Portion of the Receipt that is classified as In Contract Consultants.
OCC (Charged) - Portion of the Vendor Invoice (Purchase Journal) that is classified as Out of Contract Consulting Cost.  That means that it goes against a Cost G/L Account that has a PM Type of Out of Contract Consultants (OCC).
ICC (Charged) - Portion of the Vendor Invoice (Purchase Journal) that is classified as In Contract Consulting Cost.  That means that it goes against a Cost G/L Account that has a PM Type of In Contract Consultants (ICC).
PJ Many Links - If the Purchase Journal has multiple links, you will see a "Y" in this column.
SJ Many Cons - If the Purchase Journal has multiple Consultants, you will see a "Y" in this column.
CR Covers All - If the Received amount classified as ICC or OCC exceeds the Vendor Invoice, you will see a "Y" in this column.
Ok To Pay - The "Okay to Pay" Column indicates the amount that you are able to pay your Vendor and only applies to linked purchases and is based on monies received (Receipt Journal).  In the case of partial payments, the receipts are prorated accordingly.  This report can also use the Revenue Type in cash receipts when computing consultant dollars received. The Revenue Type option is turned on in Global Settings> A/R Tab> Receipt Wizard Breakdowns.


Vendor Summary

Vendor - Vendor Code and Name
Invoice - Invoice Number from the Purchase Journal.
Invoice Date - Invoice Date from the Purchase Journal.
Invoiced - Total Amount of the Vendor Invoice (Purchase Journal).
OCC + ICC -  Portion of the Vendor Invoice (Purchase Journal) that is classified as Consulting Cost.  That means that it goes against a Cost G/L Account that has a PM Type of Out of Contract Consultants (OCC) or In Contract Consultants (ICC).
Other Cost -  Portion of the Vendor Invoice (Purchase Journal) that is NOT classified as Consulting Cost.
Paid - Portion of the Vendor Invoice that has been paid (Disbursement Journal)
Balance - Invoiced minus Paid.
Ok To Pay - The "Okay to Pay" Column indicates the amount that you are able to pay your Vendor and only applies to linked purchases and is based on monies received (Receipt Journal).  In the case of partial payments, the receipts are prorated accordingly.  This report can also use the Revenue Type in cash receipts when computing consultant dollars received. The Revenue Type option is turned on in Global Settings> A/R Tab> Receipt Wizard Breakdowns.


