A/R Tab Administration>Global Settings

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The A/R Tab. Settings on this tab relate mostly to the Accounts Receivable processes.

Field Descriptions


Type - Determines how over-payments are aged on Receivable reporting. Options are "Keep in Current", "Last Check Date" and "Invoice Date".
Label - Label to print in Accounts Receivable reporting for over-payments.

Aging Periods

Number of Periods - Number of aging periods to appear on Accounts Receivable reporting. Up to five periods can be specified. The system automatically adds a final period that is all transactions older than the final period specified.
1st Period - Maximum number of days old for an invoice to fall into this period.  The calculated minimum is automatically zero.
2nd Period - Maximum number of days old for an invoice to fall into this period.  The calculated minimum is one day past 1st Period.
3rd Period - Maximum number of days old for an invoice to fall into this period.  The calculated minimum is one day past 2nd Period.
4th Period - Maximum number of days old for an invoice to fall into this period.  The calculated minimum is one day past 3rd Period.
5th Period - Maximum number of days old for an invoice to fall into this period.  The calculated minimum is one day past 4th Period.

Receipt Wizard Breakdowns

Breakdown Receipts to WBS  - Controls whether or not the receipt wizard will break down receipts to levels below the project (top node) level.
Breakdown Receipts to Revenue Type  - Controls whether or not the receipt wizard will break down receipts to the revenue type.  Revenue Types include the following:
oF - Fixed Fee
oL - Labor
oO - Other Direct Charges
oC - Out of Contract Consultants
oI - In Contract Consultants
oR - Retainer
oG - Retainage
oB - Bad Debt


Default Bill Review Report

PM Bill Review -  Selects the default Bill Review Report that is accessed by clicking "Bill Review Report" on the toolbar in PA Bill Review.
PA Bill Review -  Selects the default Bill Review Report that is accessed by clicking "Bill Review Report" on the toolbar in PM Bill Review.

Percent Complete Calculation Default Formula

Drop-down Box - Gives you a list of Percent Complete Formulas that have been created using the "Manage Formulas" link.
Manage Formula - When clicked, you will get the "Percent Complete Formulas" pop-up. The Percent Complete Calculation Formula box allows you to define formulas that can be used to calculate Percent Complete numbers in PA Bill review.  The available columns are listed in the "Available Fields" column.  A sample formula is provided in the pop-up , but note that column names need to be enclosed with [ ]. An example of a formula for calculating the percent complete based on labor effort is:  [LaborEffort]/[LaborFixedFee]


PA/PM Bill Review Settings

Never Bill - When selected, Never Bill (N) charges will appear in PA/PM billing review.  They will also show up in the system Bill Review reports.
Write Off - When selected, Write Off (W) charges will appear in PA/PM billing review.  They will also show up in the system Bill Review reports.
ICC WIP - When selected, ICC WIP charges will appear in PA/PM billing review.  They will also show up in the system Bill Review reports.