Print A Check

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The Print a Check Report allows you to Print a New Check or enter the previous check number and re-print a check.





New or Existing Check

Is this a new check? - When selected, a new check will be created and Posted to the Disbursement when the report is run.



Bank Account - The G/L Account, with a Subledger Type of Bank, that is to be used when creating the Disbursement.


Check Number

Check Number - When creating a new check, the check number to be used. When retrieving an old check, the check number that will be re-printed.



Type of Payee

Payee Type - Payee Type to write the check to. Options are Vendor, Employee, Client and Other.


Payee (editable based on Payee Type)

Payee Name - Text box where a payee can be entered


G/L Accounts

G/L Account to Charge (required) - G/L Account to Charge the check to.


Check Info

Check Amount - Amount of check to be written.
Check Date - Check Date of check to be written.
Check Memo - Check Memo to be added to the check.
G/L Period - G/L Period the check is to be posted in.
Project - Project that the check goes against.
Print Check Number on Face of Check - When selected, the check number will be printed on the check.
Street 1 - Street information to be printed on the check.
Street 2 - Street information to be printed on the check.
Street 3 - Street information to be printed on the check.
Street 4 - Street information to be printed on the check.
City - City information to be printed on the check.
State - State information to be printed on the check.
Zip - Zip Code information to be printed on the check.
Country - Country information to be printed on the check.
Attention - Attention to be printed on the check.



