Project Earnings By Org Unit

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The Project Earnings by Org. Unit report gives Current, Year To Date and Project To Date figures including Billed Revenue, Total Revenue, Spent, Profit, Profit Pct, Fee, Received, A/R, Un-billed and Effective Multiplier. The project summary report can be grouped by organizational unit. It also can filter based on a common org code at a given level.





Date Ranges

As of Date - The Cut-Off Date for the information being returned to the report.




Org. Code - Filters the information being returned to the report to a specific Org Unit.
Organization Level - Filters the returned data to a specific Org. Unit Level.
Combine Org. Unites with Like Codes - When selected, the Org Units. are combined by Code on the report rather than Path.
Use G/L Period for Non-Time sheet Transactions - When selected, G/L Period is used to filter the non-labor transactions rather than transaction date.
Use G/L Period for Timesheet Transaction -  When selected, G/L Period is used to filter the labor transactions rather than transaction date. (You must be using Labor Distribution for this to return data) More on Labor Distribution
Overhead Method - The method that Overhead is calculated on this report. Options are Job Cost Rates and Overhead Allocation.
Earned Revenue Method - Method of calculating the unbilled revenue.  Options are General Ledger (Entries in the General Journal posted to an Unbilled Revenue account) and Unbilled Transactions (Transactions with a Bill Status of R or H).
Project Status - Status of Projects to be reported on. Options are Active, Inactive and Both
Use Calendar Year for YTD - When selected, The YTD Columns populated with data from January 1st of the selected year.  Otherwise, the Start Date of the 01 GL Period of the selected year (ie. Fiscal Year)
Include Transaction with No Org. Unit - When selected, Transactions not associated with Org. Units are included in the data.
Include Unsubmitted Time - When selected, Time Sheets that have not been submitted are returned in the results.
Include Unapproved Time - When selected, Time Sheets that have not been approved are returned in the results.
Include Proposals - When selected, Opportunity projects are included in the returned data.
Currency Type - The Type of Currency to be used when running the report. Options are Base, Company, Project and Transaction.
Currency Code - The Currency Code to be used when running the report. Options are set in the Multi-Currency applet. More on Multi-Currency



1st Sort - When selected, the report will Sort/Group by the selection.  Options are Org. Unit, Client Project, Manager and Principal
2nd Sort - When selected, the report will Sort/Group by the selection.  Options are Org. Unit, Client Project, Manager and Principal



Project UDF Field - User Defined Field that the results are to be filtered by
UDF Operator - The Operator that the User Defined Field is using to compare the UDF Value
UDF Value - The Value to be used as a filter in the results of the report



Report Columns

Fee Billed - Labor Billed Revenue against the project. This is a combination of Direct and Fixed Fee.  Figures come from the Sales Journal and the Adjustments Journal.
Consult Billed - OCC & ICC Billed Revenue against the project. Figures come from the Sales Journal and the Adjustments Journal.
ODC Billed - ODC Billed Revenue against the project. Figures come from the Sales Journal and the Adjustments Journal.
Total Billed - Total of all of the above Billed Revenue Items.
Revenue - Combination of the above billed items. Additionally includes Bad Debt, Other Revenue and subtracts Retainage and Unearned.
Spent - Burdened amount. (Cost + Overhead)
Profit - (Revenue - Spent)
Profit PCT - (Revenue - Spent)  / Revenue
Fee - Fixed Fee + Labor Cap + ODC Cap + OCC Cap
CurRcv - Current Received Amount
A/R - Outstanding A/R (Billed - Received)
Unbilled -Depending on the selected Earned Revenue Method. General Ledger (Entries in the General Journal posted to an Unbilled Revenue account) and Unbilled Transactions (Transactions with a Bill Status of R or H).
Eff Mult -  [(Effective Multiplier) - (Labor Billed Revenue + Unbilled Labor)] / Labor Cost


