Receipts By State

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The Receipts by State report receipts broken down by revenue, grouped by State for a selected Period Range. This is typically for sales tax and "use tax" purposes to calculate Sales Taxed owed the different States in which the work has been performed.  The Report gives you 2 State options to choose from when running it:


1.Project State (PA> Projects> Billing Tab> Bill To Address) - For this method, check "Use Bill To Address" and leave the "Project Address" look-up blank on the Prompt. Note:  If "Use Client's Bill-To" is selected on the Project OR the Project State is blank, the Client State will be used.
2.Specified Project State (PA> Projects> Addresses Tab) - For this method, A specific Address is selected using the Project Address Look-up. The report will look for the Address with the specified name and group by the state associated with it. The result will give you a grouping of all Projects that have a Project Address with the selected name.  All projects with a different name will be un-grouped.


Data: Cash Basis Receipt Journal


Note: In order for this report to be accurate, the Cash Basis Conversion must be run before running the report. More on the Cash Basis Conversion Utility.






Starting G/L Period - The beginning G/L Period for the report.  All returned data falls in or after the selected G/L Period.
Ending G/L Period - The ending G/L Period for the report.  All returned data falls in or before the selected G/L Period.
Use Billing Address - When checked, the report looks at the state associated with the project (PA> Projects> Billing Tab> Bill To Address) - If "Use Client's Bill-To" is selected on the Project OR the "Use Custom Bill-to" State field is blank, the Client State will be used. Note: you would not use this check-box when using the Project Address filter below.
Project Address - When using the look-up,  you will select a specific Address Name to group.  . The report will look for the Address with the specified name and group by the state associated with it. The result will give you a grouping of all Projects that have a Project Address with the selected name.  All projects with a different name will be un-grouped. Note: If you want to use this to work for all projects, you will need to have a "named" address that has the same name. The addresses, however, do not have to fall in the same state.
Show Projects - When selected, the Project Code and Name are broken out on the report.
Show Invoices - When selected, the Invoice Number associated with the Receipt entry is displayed.
Show G/L Accounts - When selected, the G/L Base Code, and Org. Unit (if used), are displayed on the report.
G/L Account - When a G/L Account is selected, the transactions detail is filtered to just the selected account. When blank, all accounts are selected.




Report Columns

State - Depending on the selection option (above) used, the State will come from either the Project (Billing Tab), Client (General Tab) or Project (Address Tab)
Invoice No. - Invoice Number associated with the Payment received in the Receipt Journal.
G/L Account - G/L Account associated with the Payment received in the Receipt Journal.
Amount - Total Amount of Received Revenue.

