Sales Links

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The Sales Links returns a list of all transactions that are linked to the Sales Journal entry.






Invoice Start Date - Beginning Date used to filter the transactions that are brought into this report.
Invoice End Date - Ending Date used to filter the transactions that are brought into this report.
Project - Allows you to filter to a specific Project. When blank, All Projects are returned.
Client - Allows you to filter to a specific Client. When blank, All Clients are returned.
Show Comments - When selected, PM Comments on the transactions are displayed.
Currency Type - The Type of Currency to be used when running the report. Options are Base, Company, Project and Transaction.
Currency Code - The Currency Code to be used when running the report. Options are set in the Multi-Currency applet. More on Multi-Currency



Report Columns

Client - Client Code & Name
Invoice No - Invoice Number of the Sales Journal
Date: Invoice Date of the Sales Journal
Trans ID - SJID of the Sales Journal
Project - Project Path & Code of the project associated with the transaction.
Trans Date - Date of the of the line item in the transaction.
Trans Number - Journal ID Number of the transaction of the line item in the transaction.
WBS - The node level of the project where the transaction was entered.
Employee/Payee - Employee or Payee Name
Labr/Exp. Code - Labor or Expense Code that was entered on the transaction.
Hrs/Units - The amount of hours or units entered on the transaction.
Effort - Labor Cost at the Bill Rate or Non-Labor cost at the Marked up rate.

