Standard Hours

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The Standard Hours report lists employee hours and variance for a date range versus an input standard hours.  This can be useful in determining who should get overtime.





Date Ranges

Start Date - Beginning Date used to filter the time sheets that are brought into this report.
End Date - Ending Date used to filter the time sheets that are brought into this report.




Org. Unit - Filter by the Org. Unit assigned to the Employee
Pay Type - The Pay Type of the employee. This comes from the Employees> Pay History Tab> Hourly check box. Options are Hourly, Salary and Both.
Standard Hours - Number subtracted from the total hours returned to determine Variance.  Total Hours are determined by Start & End Date.
Include Subcontractors - When selected, Employees with the "Subcontractor" check box checked will be included.
Use Original Time sheet - When selected, the original Time Sheet will be used to return hours. Otherwise, adjusted time sheets will be used.
Group by Approver - When Selected, the report will group by Time/Expense Approver. Note: This does NOT group by Alternate and Additional Approvers.
Only Show Employees with Variance - When selected, the report will only return Employees that have a variance other than 0




Report Columns

Employee Code
Employee Name
Pay Type -  The Pay Type of the employee. This comes from the Employees> Pay History Tab> Hourly check box. Options are Hourly, Salary and Both.
Hours - Number of Work Hours returned for the given data range.
Variance - Hours minus Standard Hours (prompt)

