WBS Listing

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WBS Listing details information regarding projects and displaying a breakout of each WBS node within the project.





Project - Returns only the selected project. All projects are returned if left blank.
Client - Returns only the projects for selected client.
Principal In Charge - Returns all projects where the selected employee is assigned as the Principal In Charge on the Project (Members Tab).
Project Manager - Returns all projects where the selected employee is assigned as the Project Manager on the Project (Members Tab).
Project Accountant - Returns all projects where the selected employee is assigned as the Project Accountant on the Project (Members Tab).
Org. Unit - Returns all projects where the selected Organizational Unit is assigned to the Project (Members Tab).
Active Status - Returns all projects that have the selected status. Options are Active, Inactive and Both.
Charge Type - Returns all projects that have the selected Charge Type. Optiona are Billable, Indirect, Opportunity, Projection and All.



Report Columns

Project - Path and Name of the Project
Client - Client associated with the Project.
PIC - Principal In Charge assigned to the Project (Members Tab)
Org. Unit - Project's Organizational Unit
Status - Project Status
Prj Mgr - Project Manager assigned to the Project (Members Tab)
Prj Acct - Project Accountant assigned to the Project (Members Tab)
Charge Type - Project's Charge Type
Expense Group - Expense Group Assigned to the Project.
Invoice Design - Invoice Design Assigned to the Project.



Project Code and Name
Project Start Date - Start Date of Project (General Tab)
Project End Date - End Date of Project (General Tab)
Time Start Date - Beginning Date for the Allowable Date Range for time entry. (Optional)
Time End Date - Ending Date for the Allowable Date Range for time entry. (Optional)
Exp. Start Date - Beginning Date for the Allowable Date Range for expense entry. (Optional)
Exp. End Date - Ending Date for the Allowable Date Range for expense entry. (Optional)

