The Data Browser is where you’ll interact with your Data Source and Analytic Model. Once a model is loaded to the dashboard (done by clicking refresh above the model field list), you can bind fields to Dashboard Items by dragging and dropping fields into the Data Items Pane as appropriate for the Dashboard Item (e.g. Grid, Chart, Pie, etc).
Field Descriptions
Data Browser
• | Data Source - Lists the currently loaded data source. Supports multiple data sources (advanced designs). |
• | Query/Model - Lists the currently loaded Analytic Models. Supports multiple models (advanced designs). |
• | Group Button - Groups field list by data type (e.g. datetime, nvarchar, int, etc.) |
• | AZ Button - Sorts field list alphabetically |
• | ZA Button - Sorts field list alphabetically (descending order) |
• | Refresh - Refreshes the field list. Note, when starting a new design, you must first click refresh to perform an initial data load. Otherwise your data will not display. |
• | Change Binding - Currently not in use |
Data Items Pane
As mentioned above, Dashboard Items (e.g. Grids, Charts, etc) are bound to data fields via the Data Items pane.
While options will in the Data Items pane will vary based on the Dashboard Item, below is a list of available options.
• | Command Buttons - Listed in the upper-right of the Data Items pane, command buttons allow you to run various operations like adding a new pane to a chart dashboard item. |
• | Data Item Placeholders (e.g. Values, Columns, Rows, Arguments, Series, etc.) - Used to bind data fields to the dashboard item. Available placeholders are determined by the selected dashboard item. |
• | Hidden Data Items - Data items being used by the dashboard (e.g. filters, etc) that don’t appear in any displayed dashboard item. For instance, you could use a Grid to display Employee Name and Hours and then use a hidden field to filter out time against indirect projects based on the Charge Type. Fields can be used as either Dimensions or Measures based on the intended use for the field. |
o | Dimensions - Represent data items that can be added to the dashboard as they are- with no required aggregation. Dimensions can further be sorted and/or grouped. (e.g. Project Code, Employee Name, etc). |
o | Measures - Represent data items that are added to the dashboard only as summaries (e.g. Sum of Hours, Max Work Date, etc). |