Designer Toolbar

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The Analytic Dashboard Designer toolbar offers powerful options for working with designs and is where primary tools are made available.


The toolbar contains both standard options (always visible) and item-specific options, visible when working with the item. While item specific options will be discussed in context, below is a list of standard toolbar options.



Field Descriptions


Below is a list of standard applet fields/buttons/elements used in the Analytic Dashboard Designer.


Menu Options


File/Help - Lists standard InFocus File and Help options


Toolbar Options


Pinned Options


Save - Saves the loaded dashboard
Undo - Reverses edits made
Redo - Add back Undone changes
Update - Updates the dashboard with the latest modifications. This could be used if two users were working on the same dashboard design.


Home Tab


New - Click to create a new dashboard
Open - Opens an existing dashboard
Save - Saves the loaded dashboard
Undo - Reverses edits made
Redo - Adds back Undone changes
Inserts Section - Dashboard Items used in designing an Analytic Dashboard. Supported items are as follows:
oScatter Chart
oChoropleth Map
oGeo Point Map
oRange Filter
oFilter Elements (e.g. Combo Box, List Box, Tree View)
oText Box
Item Section - Hidden until an Item (listed above) is inserted. Available options include
oDuplicate - Duplicates the highlighted item on the dashboard
oDelete - Deletes the highlighted item
oConvert To - Used for converting one item to another (e.g. convert a Grid to a Chart).
oRemove Data Items - Removes Data Items from the dashboard
oEdit Rules - Launches dialogue to work with conditional format rules added to the dashboard item
Dashboard Section - Settings global to the loaded dashboard
oTitle - Click to configure dashboard title options
oCurrency - Configure currency options
oEdit Colors - Edit global dashboard colors
oParameters - Used to managed dashboard parameters
oAutomatic Updates - Click to enable automatic updates for the dashboard
oUpdate - Use to manual update the dashboard. Disabled when using Automatic Updates.
oAdd Variable Parameters - Add additional dashboard parameters


Data Source Tab


Add InFocus Data Source - Click to add an InFocus data source
Add External Data Source - Click to add an external data source- configured in Global Settings (AD>Global Settings>External Data Sources)
Add Custom Data Source - Click to add a custom data source (e.g. Excel, CSV, etc.)
Edit Connection - Use to edit the currently loaded data source connection information
Rename - Renames the loaded data source
Delete - Removes the loaded data source
Server Mode - Enables server mode. In short, when enabled, data related operations (e.g. grouping, filtering, etc.) are performed on the server. Alternatively, when not enabled, processing is done client side in-memory. Generally, Server Mode only supports SQL Data Sources and may or may not impact performance.
Add Calculated Field - Launches the Expression editor for creating calculated fields.
Add Analytic Model - Click to add Analytic Models to the Query dropdown. Multiple data sources are supported.
Add Query - Launches the Query Editor for developing queries from the designer
Edit - Edits the currently loaded query (Analytic Model)
Rename - Renames the currently loaded query
Filter - Edits the currently loaded query filter
Delete - Deletes the currently loaded query from the data source
Model Info - Displays Field/List Descriptions for the loaded Analytic Model. Note, descriptions for the model are entered for each model via UT>Dashboard Queries Manager.