Document Manager - Applet Utilities>Document Manager

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Document Manager applet is used to manage Document Types. Below are key concepts and definitions related to the options contained in this applet.



Key Concepts


Documents are uploaded to InFocus organized by type (e.g. Invoices, Receipts, Contracts, etc).


Types work like folders. Each folder (type) has permissions and applet settings to define who can view/upload documents to it and from where those documents can be accessed/uploaded.


Document type permissions include the following options:


View - enables the user to upload and view documents
Modify - inherits view access with the additional ability to overwrite existing documents


InFocus comes out-of-the-box with a system type for Invoices, but you can create additional custom types to organize your documents.


Field Descriptions


Name - Name of the Document Type (e.g. Receipts, Contracts, etc.) Note that document type does not refer to the document extension such as .pdf, .xlsx, etc.
Permissions - This is where permissions are assigned to this Document Type.
Applets - This is where you designate the applets that the selected Document Type can be accessed through.