Expense Sheet Detail Personal>Expense Sheets

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The expense sheet entry grid displays fields available to enter as a part of your expense sheet. Additional fields can be added/removed from the detail using the column chooser (gear icon) in the upper left of the detail grid. All fields can be reordered in the grid.

Field Descriptions

Transaction Date - Date expense was incurred
Project Path - Project the transaction is being entered against. Only allowable projects can be used. An allowable projects is determined by a Project Active Flag, Expense Allow Date Entry, Profit Center. More on Projects
Expense Code** - Expense code to associate with the transaction. When selected, the expense code will govern/automate mark up and expense/revenue tracking for the transaction. More on Expense Codes
Amount - Expense amount
Reimbursable Amt. - Defaulting to the value entered in the Amount field, this is the amount to be reimbursed to the employee.
Credit Card - Check only if using a company credit card and no reimbursement is required. Checking this box forces a zero dollar Reimbursement amount. If you're entering a line item that requires reimbursement, leave this check box unchecked.
Notes (Internal) - Internal notes for communication with accounting
PM Comments - Comments that can appear on project management reports and invoices
Approval Status - Status of the Line Item. This is enabled with Line Item Approval. More on Approvals


Additional Columns

Description - Fields can be selected using the column chooser (gear icon) in the upper left of the detail grid.

Check Number - Check Number of the Disbursement associated with the expense
Project Name - Project Name of the project associated with the line item
Quantity and Rate
oQTY - Quantity
oUnit Rate - Rate to apply to the QTY (e.g. If QTY = 2 and Unit Rate = 5.00 then Amount = 10.00)
ER Line ID - Employee Reimbursable Line internal ID associated with the expense line
Bill Status** - Bill Status of the expense record
Work Order** - Work Order expense is being entered against. When a Work Order is used, the project (WBS) path will fill out automatically. The project cannot be overridden.
Approved - Checked if approved (read only)
Membership, and (potentially) a Project Team Membership list. The lookup for this field is split into two sections. The top section is used to select a Bill Terms Node (project). Once selected, the bottom section lists the allowable WBS nodes.
Declined - Checked if declined (read only)
ERID - Employee Reimbursable internal ID associated with the expense line. Expense Sheets must be imported to the E/R Journal for this to have an ID associated with it.
Docs - Documents that have been associated with the line item of the expense sheet.