Addresses Tab Marketing>Firms

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The Addresses Tab contains the addresses of the selected firm. Clicking on a field in a Firm row will expose the Addresses Tab.



Field Descriptions

Below are field descriptions for the Addresses Tab.


Main Address


Street 1 - Address line 1
Street 2 - Address line 2
Street 3 - Address line 3
Street 4 - Address line 4
Phone - Telephone number
Fax - Fax number
City - City
State - State
Zip/Postal - Zip Code
Country - Country
Geocode - When clicked, the Latitude and Longitude are filled in with the location of the Main Address.  This can be used in the Map Viewer applet. More on the Map Viewer.
Latitude - Latitude of Address
Longitude - Longitude of Address


Additional Addresses


Additional addresses that you would like to associate with the Firm can be entered here. The data entered is the same as above.
Pencil icon - Opens up a pop-up box that asks for the same information above.