Map Viewer Marketing>Map Viewer

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The Map Viewer is where you are able to view queried data using Bing Maps.


Key Concepts

The Map Viewer incorporates Bing Maps to display queried data.
To gain full access to this applet, you need to set up a Bing Maps account.  The account information is managed in Global Settings>Mapping Tab
There are some standard queries that come with InFocus to demonstrate the Map Viewers capabilities. More on Map Queries

Field Descriptions

Map Viewer Window

Queries Drop-down - Displays the current query in use. If you look in the drop-down, you will see a list of all available Map Queries. More on Map Queries
Check/Uncheck All - Checks or Unchecks all of the items in the Results Grid.
Quick Filter - Filters the items in the Results Grid.

Results Window

Description - Displays the results of the query selected in the Queries Drop-down.