General Tab contains miscellaneous settings that do not fall under any major category.
Field Descriptions
Company Name & Login Type
• | Company Name - The name of the company using InFocus. This will show up on My system reports and invoice designs. |
o | InFocus Only – this is the default. Requires the user to login with just the InFocus user name and password. |
o | Windows Only – this requires the Domain\Username be added to the user record. If present, when the login screen comes up, it will look up the InFocus user based on the Windows user when logging in. |
o | Both – If both, you will be able to log in with either login button. |
Description - A single character that separates the node codes with a path. Delimiters used in InFocus are period, hyphen, and colon.
• | Organization Break Down Structure (OBS) - Character that delimits, or separates, the levels or the organizational breakdown structure. The character chosen as the delimiter cannot be used in any OBS Codes. For eexample - In a two-level OBS, where departments exist within offices, there may be an OBS code of NY-AR (where NY is the code for the New York Office and AR is the code for the architectural department, and the hyphen is the delimiter). This is called an OBS Path. |
• | Organization Name - Character that delimits the concatenated OBS name (also known as the long name). The delimiter can appear in the long name. For example. In a two-level OBS, where departments exist within offices, there may be an OBS long name of New York-Architectural (where New York is the name of the office, architectural is the name of the department, and a hyphen is the delimiter). |
• | G/L Account Delimiter - The character that separates a G/L Base account from an OBS structure. This character is not allowed in the base account code. A G/L base account and an optional OBS path form the G/L Account. For example. A typical office A/R account may be 1200-NY (where 1200 is the base account for Accounts Receivable, NY is the OBS path, and a hyphen is the delimiter). G/L accounts are always listed with the base account first, followed by an optional OBS path. |
Full Audits
Description - Full audits store a Version of journals and time sheets when enabled. If unchecked, no audit trail of transaction changes will be stored. It is recommended that this be enabled.
• | Timesheets - When checked, full audits are used in time sheet adjustments. In full audit mode, any change to critical information (project, work date, hours, or pay amount) will result in a background system-generated reversing entry. When not checked, the reversing entry will be made only if the line item in question has already been processed by Labor Distribution in addition to a change in critical information. |
• | Journals - When checked, full audits are used in all Accounting journals. In full audit mode, any change to critical information (project, G/L Account, or amount) will result in a background system-generated reversing entry. When not checked, the reversing entry will occur only if a change in account period has occurred in addition to a change in critical information. |
Calculate Labor Cost Using
• | Pay Rate - When selected, the Pay Rate will be used when calculating cost in many different areas throughout the system. Some examples are Project Figures Report, PM Reports and Project Central. |
• | Job Cost - When selected, the Job Cost Rate will be used when calculating cost in many different areas throughout the system. Some examples are Project Figures Report, PM Reports and Project Central. |
Fiscal Calendars
• | Seed Start Year - Year of earliest fiscal year in system to maintain transactions for. |
• | 13th Period in Quarter - In the event that a 13-period fiscal year is used, this is the quarter in which the 13th period should appear. This affects only financial statements. |
• | Fiscal Year Type - Type of Fiscal Year. There are various 12- and 13-period options allowed. See the Accounting Periods section in this manual for further instructions. |
Look up Settings
• | Max. Recent Results - This setting allows you to limit the number of returned results in the system look ups. |
G/L Accounts
• | Retained Earnings G/L Account - Account to be used for end-of-year automated posting. More on G/L Accounts |
• | Error G/L Account - Account to be used when an automated process cannot derive a G/L account. A derived account is one where the process asks for a base account and uses relevant employee or project OBS paths to derive a true G/L account. Some processes that include this method are revenue recognition, labor distribution and automated invoicing. |
• | Enable Margin Skew - Certain print drivers render the margins on printed reports incorrectly. When experiences these issues with margins, enable the Margin Skew to fix this. |
• | Auto-Fill Look ups - Automatically populate look up forms with default list. When not checked, user optionally enters search criteria first and then clicks on the SEARCH button. |
• | Check for Updates on Login - When checked, InFocus will automatically check for updates as a user logs in. If there are available updates, the user will be notified. |
• | Use Batch Entries In Journals - When checked, batch entry options are available in journal entry. |
• | Use Deposit Dates for Reports - When checked, InFocus will use the deposit date instead of the check date when running many system reports. |
• | Disable Project Auto-Complete - When selected, the Auto-fill option in the Project Path entry cells will be turned off in the journals and time sheets. |
• | Mark New Entries As posted - New Entries can be flagged automatically as posted. When checked, the post option is not available in journals. |
• | Allow Disbursements to Payees not on File. - Disbursements can be made to employees, vendors and clients. When this option is checked, disbursements can also be made to user entered payees. |
Password Settings
• | Min password Length - Minimum number of characters required for a valid login password. |
• | Password Expire Days - If a number is entered here, all passwords will expire if the specified number of days have passed since the last time the password was changed by the user. |
• | Require Number - Requires a number be in a password when it is created. |
• | Require Special Character - Requires a special character (i.e. @,*,^ etc.) be in a password when it is created. |
• | Require Lower Case Letter - Requires a lower case letter be in a password when it is created. |
• | Require Upper Case Letter - Requires an upper case letter be in a password when it is created. |
Organizational Units
• | Uses Organizational Units - When checked, Org units can be used and all related fields will display throughout the system. More on Org. Units |
User Session Tracking
• | Enable Sessions - When checked, The User Sessions applet will be enabled. This tracks the user sessions to see who is logged in. More on User Sessions |
• | Enable Session Detail - When checked, The detail portion of the User Sessions applet will be enabled. This tracks the number of times an applet opens and closes. |
• | Cycle - This is the session check-in frequency in seconds. The default is 60seconds. |