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Multi-Company (Inter Company Transfers aka. ICT) is used for advanced multi-company support. More on Multi-Company Setup

Note - Additional setup and training is required to use this feature as well as an associated cost.  If you are interested in using ICT, please contact support. 

Field Descriptions


Use Multi-Company - When checked, the Multi-Company feature is enables and all related fields are available.
Post Inter-Company Transfers Using Automated Invoicing -


Labor - Method to be used when calculating Labor.
ODC (Other Direct Charges) - Method to be used when calculating Other Direct Charges.
OCC (Out of Contract Consultants) - Method to be used when calculating Out of Contract Consulting charges.
ICC (In Contract Consultants) - Method to be used when calculating In Contract Consulting charges.


Cross-Company TX Settings by Journal

Description - For each journal you can specify how the system handles the attempt of a transaction to reference two or more companies.  The Drop-down options are Allow, Disallow and Warn.

General - Specifies how the system will handle this in the General Journal.
Sales - Specifies how the system will handle this in the Sales Journal.
Receipt - Specifies how the system will handle this in the Receipt Journal.
Purchase -  Specifies how the system will handle this in the Purchase Journal.
Employee Reimbursable - Specifies how the system will handle this in the Employee Reimbursable Journal.
Disbursement -  Specifies how the system will handle this in the Disbursement Journal.


Enable Inter-company Transfers by Journal

Purchase - When checked, the inter-company transfer option is turned on in the Purchase Journal.
Employee Reimbursable - When checked, the inter-company transfer option is turned on in the Employee Reimbursable Journal.
Disbursement - When checked, the inter-company transfer option is turned on in the Disbursement Journal.
Receipt - When checked, the inter-company transfer option is turned on in the Receipt Journal.


Base Accounts


Description - Here you select the Revenue Base Accounts to be used for Multi-Company

Labor - Select the Labor Revenue Base Account.
ODC (Other Direct Charges) - Select the ODC Revenue Base Account.
OCC (Out of Contract Consultants) - Select the OCC Revenue Base Account.
ICC (In Contract Consultants) - Select the ICC Revenue Base Account.


Description - Here you select the Expense Base Accounts to be used for Multi-Company

Labor - Select the Labor Expense Base Account.
ODC (Other Direct Charges) - Select the ODC Expense Base Account.
OCC (Out of Contract Consultants) - Select the OCC Expense Base Account.
ICC (In Contract Consultants) - Select the ICC Expense Base Account.