Document Management Tab Administration>Global Settings

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The Document Management Tab controls the settings that deal with the configuration of Document Management.

Key Concepts

Document Management is HTTP.  What this means is that documents live in the same installation folder as InFocus (<drive>:\program files\Clearview Software\InFocus\Client\Documents). When you upgrade to version 1.4.7 or greater, a Documents folder is created.  This is where all documents will reside.  All previously archived documents will need to be moved into this folder. Additionally, you will need to modify the permissions on the folder to allow Read/Write access to the folder. (See this article  or a more detailed explanation.)

Field Descriptions

Document Management Features

On/Off buttons - The On/Off buttons are used to enable and disable on Document Management.
Disallow Document Updates - When checked, users are unable to upload changes to documents that have been added.


Document Management Type

Use HTTP Document Management (recommended)

Note - Once you select "Use HTTP Document Management", you are unable to go back to "Legacy Document Management".

oDocument Base URL - This URL is the URL that you use to launch InFocus (typically http://server_name/infocus).
o"Verify" link - Verifies a connection with the Document Base URL.
oMax File Size (KB) - This limits the size of the documents to be uploaded.
o"Remove Legacy Document Repository Settings" link - Used after moving from the old Document Management setup to the HTTP Document Management setup. This removes the old repository settings.
Use Legacy Document Management (depricated). **Clearview does not configure this way any more.  All new Clients must use HTTP Document Management**

Deployment Server FTP Settings

Description - These settings are generated by the DTA Config utility when Document Management is configured.

User - InFocus DTA is the default user.
Password - A default password is generated during setup.  To properly change the password, go to your FTP provider and change it.  Then change the password here to the corresponding password.
Confirm Password - Password used to confirm the new password to be entered.
Port - The port being used by the FTP service to communicate with InFocus.

Email Relay Settings

Host - SMTP Email Host
User - Who the email will be delivered from (ex.
Password - Email password
Confirm Password - Password used to confirm the new password to be entered.
Port - SMTP Port
"Send Test E-mail To" link - A test email will be sent when you enter a valid email address and click on the link.