Global Settings

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Primary setup for the Purchasing module is completed in Global Settings. There, you'll enable features related to Purchasing and define rules for Approvals, Pre-Billing, Shipping and Auto-Codes.


Configurations are made using the following tabs in Global Settings:


Purchasing Tab
Auto Codes Tab



Purchasing Tab


Using the Purchasing tab, you'll enable the following features and controls used by Purchasing.


Note Use Purchase Orders is the only requirement for getting started with Purchasing. Each additional setting is used to further define settings and controls for working with Purchase Orders.


Use Purchase Orders - Enables the use of the Purchasing Module and related applets and fields
Enable Receipt of Goods - Enables the Receipt of Goods feature with the ability to mark ordered items as received.
Enable Vendor Shipping Address - Enables the use of Vendor Allowable Ship To rules for defining Shipping addresses available to Purchase Orders. Defined via AP>Vendors>Purchasing tab.
Enable Employee Shipping Address - Enables the use of Employee Allowable Ship To rules for defining Shipping addresses available to Purchase Orders. Defined via HR>Employees>Purchasing tab.
Custom Comment Box 1 Label - Defines the InFocus label text for the top custom comment box in the PO>Purchase Order applet
Custom Comment Box 2 Label - Defines the InFocus label text for the bottom custom comment box in the PO>Purchase Order applet
Use Purchase Order Approval - Enables approvals for Purchase Order items. Left unchecked, all Purchase Orders are auto-approved.
oEmployee PO Approver - Approvals are made by an employee-assigned approver. Defined via HR>Employees>Purchasing.
oEmployee Timesheet Approver - Approvals are made by an employee-assigned Timesheet Approver(s). Defined via HR>Employees>Accounting/Rates.
oProject Responsible - Approvals are made by the project-assigned Project Leader (e.g. Project Manager, Project Accountant, Principle-in-charge). Defined via PA>Projects>Members.
Allow Purchase orders to be included in Sales - Enables the ability to pre-bill Purchase Orders
oICC - Allow for ICC expense. Default Bill Status is also defined.
oOCC - Allow for OCC expense. Default Bill Status is also defined.
oODC - Allow for ODC expense. Default Bill Status is also defined.
oPO AP Account - Default AP Account to use in the Purchase Journal entry
oPO Liability Account - Default PO Liab. Account to use in the Purchase Journal entry
Default Bill To - Bill To address to include on Purchase Orders
oOverridable on Purchase Order - When checked, Default Bill To can be overridden on the Purchase Order
Default Allow Shipping To - Defines where a Purchase Order item can be shipped to. Alternatively, a Specific Address can also be listed. This can be further defined per Employee and/or Vendor.
oOverridable on Purchase Order - When checked, Default Bill To can be overridden on the Purchase Order
Global Approval Rules - Defines a set of criteria for determining if a Purchase Order item requires approval. Rules can be further defined per Employee and/or Purchase Item.
oApproval Require All - When checked, all criteria must be met to require approvals


Read more on the Purchasing Tab



Auto Codes Tab


Auto Codes can be used to auto-generate Purchase Order codes. Read More about the Auto Codes Tab.