Auto Codes Tab Administration>Global Settings

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Auto-Coding allows InFocus to auto generate codes for Projects, Opportunities, Firms, Employees and Purchase Orders. When enabled, an auto-code icon (blue wand) will appear in the Code field of the respective applet.


Using Auto Codes, you'll designate a prefix for your code, seed number and length of the code. For instance, using the following settings, InFocus would generate the code E0000 for your first entered employee.


Prefix - E
Seed - 0
Pad Length - 4


Click here and go to the 3 minute 57 seconds mark to learn more about the Auto Coding Tab in Global Settings.



Field Descriptions


Auto Codes Header


Enable Project Auto Codes - When checked, the auto code feature will be available in the Projects applet. More on Projects
Enable Opportunity Auto Codes - When checked, the auto code feature will be available in the Opportunities applet. More on Opportunities
Enable Firm Auto Codes (Client and Vendor) - When checked, the auto code feature will be available in both the Client and Vendor applets. More on Clients More on Vendors
Enable Employee Auto Codes - When checked, the auto code feature will be available in the Employees applet. More on Employees
Enable Purchase order Auto Codes - When checked, the auto code feature will be available in the Purchase Orders applet.


Auto Codes Grid


Type - The applet where Code is being generated.
Name - Name of Code
Prefix - Text that will appear before any Auto-Generated code.  You can use Global Variables to generate these. For example, @YEAR@ will append the current year to the code. More available Global Variables
Seed - The first code that will be used.
Pad Length - The length of the code. For example, with a pad of 4, if the code is 1, Auto-Coding will generate 0001.
Custom - When checked, the Code will require a custom query.
Custom Query -  A custom query can be entered here to generate a custom code.