Invoice Designs Tab Utilities>Invoice Design

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The Invoice Design Tab serves many functions within the Invoice Design Applet. Invoice designs are Deleted, Saved, and Created here.



Key Concepts

The window on the left contains all the "Custom" invoice designs that are currently available.  Remember, System Invoice Designs are not accessible. To modify one, you must use the System Invoice Copy button located on the toolbar.
There are many System Sections that can be copied and added to an invoice design.  To access those use the Section Copy Wizard button located on the toolbar. For descriptions on what each section contains, follow this link: More on Invoice Section Descriptions
Invoice designs can be altered by using the "Snap Together" feature in the Design Sections grid described below.
The Scripting out (Copying) of Invoice designs are done here by using the Script button located at the bottom of the applet. Scripting is used when you want to copy or move the designs from one database to another.


Field Descriptions

Invoice Design Name

Text Box - This text box contains the name of the invoice design. The invoice name can be edited here.


Invoice Design Border

Drop-down - This drop-down contains the Border of the selected invoice design. Only one Border can be a part of an invoice. The Border section controls invoice attributes like Margins and Header items that repeat on every page (ie. Page Numbers).



Combined - When selected, the invoice design is flagged as a Combined invoice.  An invoice design with this selected will show up in the Main Invoice drop-down located at Projects>Billing Tab>Invoicing Section.
Labor Only - When selected, the invoice design is flagged as a Labor invoice.  An invoice design with this selected will show up in the Labor Invoice drop-down located at Projects>Billing Tab>Invoicing Section. In order to see this option, the Separate Expense Invoice check-box must be checked.
Expense Only - When selected, the invoice design is flagged as a Expense invoice.  An invoice design with this selected will show up in the Labor Invoice drop-down located at Projects>Billing Tab>Invoicing Section. In order to see this option, the Separate Expense Invoice check-box must be checked.


Invoice Posting Action

Drop-down - An invoice posting action allows for an action to be called after the posting action in Automate Invoicing.


Design Sections Header

Description - The Section Design grids is where you assemble your invoice design.  No customization is don here, you simply select the sections that you would like to use and Add them to the design.  Once you have added them, you can use the up and down arrows to put them in the right order.  After that, click save and the design has been assembled.  Specific Customization is done in the Section Designs Tab. More on the Section Designs Tab

Section Type - This drop-down displays the Section Type that you want to drop into the design. Options are Header, Labor, ODC, OCC, Combined, SQL Query, Summary Statement and Taxes.
Section - This drop-down displays the available sections and are dependent on the selection from the Section Type drop-down.  In order for an item to show in the drop-down, it must exist in the Section Designs Tab.  An item displays on the Section Design tab either by copying or creating a new section. More on the Section Designs Tab
Do Not Print - When checked, the section will not print on the rendered invoice.
Add - When clicked, the section selected from the Section drop-down will be added to the Design Sections grid.
Up button - Moves the highlighted section up in the Design Sections grid.
Down button - Moves the highlighted section down in the Design Sections grid.

Note - To Delete an item from this grid, click on the left side of the item and click the delete key on your Keyboard. DO NOT click Delete at the bottom of the applet. This will delete the whole invoice design and associated project links.


Design Sections Grid

Type - The type of section added. This is from the Section Type drop-down.
Name - The Name of section added. This is from the Section drop-down.
Do Not Print -  When checked, the section will not print on the rendered invoice.


Design Sections Buttons (bottom)

New - Click to start a new invoice design.
Save - Saves the current progress of the invoice.
Delete - This will delete the whole invoice design and associated project links. DO NOT click this button to remove items from the Design Sections grid.
Script - Scripting is used when you want to copy or move the designs from one database to another.