Invoice Filters Utilities>Invoice Design

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Invoice Filters give InFocus the ability to support mixed-style billings on a single project without the need of creating a roll-up project or an invoice group.


Key Concepts

A filter is a user-definable code that is used to denote which billing style will be used on a specific phase of a project.  An example of their use might be a phased fixed fee plus additional services. In this example, the letter F would be placed on all phases that are Fixed Fee, and the letter H for all phases that are Hourly.
Invoice Filters can only be set at the second-level of a projects WBS. That means that in a Task (Level 3) billing scenario, all of the children of the phase must bill in the same manner (ie. TandM, Fixed Fee, etc.)
Invoice section designs (Labor, ODC and OCC) can use a filter.
Invoice filters must be set in two places:
oOn the project Setup> Invoice Filters section. More on Invoice Filters
oIn the Invoice Section Design (Labor, ODC or OCC section). More on Section Designs


How to use Invoice Filters:

Go to Project Administration> Projects>Right click on the project name in Project Explorer (within the Projects applet) and choose Invoice Filters.  Place the filters in the appropriate places and click Save.
Go to the Utilities module in the Invoice Designs applet. Once there, go to the Sections Design tab and choose the invoice section to filter to pick up the appropriate information. Place the corresponding filter in the Invoice Filter box, and click Save.