Navigator Queries

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This is an extremely powerful search (navigation) function. It affects the most commonly used screens and makes finding transactions and/or records much easier. The selections available in the InFocus Navigator are driven by data queries. Each of these system queries can be edited as needed. Additionally, custom queries can be written to be utilized by the Navigator.


*Keystroke Note: Utilize the InFocus Navigator by clicking Ctrl + Tab and selecting Navigator in the Tools section of the pop up.



Field Description

Queries Drop-down - When you click on the drop-down, a list of both system and custom queries to select show up here.  The queries in the list are specific to the applet that you are currently in (Fig. 1 is currently in the Projects applet).


Query Return Window - The window displays the results of the query selected in the Drop-down.


Queue Window - This window displays all items selected from the Query Return Window.  To get items to display here, Left-click and highlight the items.  Next, click the Add To Queue button.  Once items are here, you are able to move through them using the arrows at the bottom of the window.


Note - You are able to export the queries to Excel for personal use.



Chart Of Accounts

Active By Code
Active By Cost Type
Active By Financial Type
Active By FS Group
Active By Metric Type
Active By Name
Active By Org Unit
Active By PM Type
Active By Revenue Type
Active Others
By Code
By Name
By Register Type
By Subledger
Inactive By Code
Inactive By Financial Type
Inactive By FS Group
Inactive By Name
Inactive Others



Active By Code
Active By Name
Active By Specialty
Active By type
By Code
By Main Contact
By Marketing Contact
By Name
By Sales Contact
Inactive By Code
Inactive By Name
Inactive By Specialty
Inactive By Type
Open A/R


Disbursement Journal

Book Marks
By Bank Account, Check No
By Payee
By Payee Last 2 Weeks
By Payee Last 6 Periods
By Project
By Project Last 2 Weeks
By Project Last 6 Periods
By Sales Invoice
Cleared By Bank Rec Date
Cleared By Check Number
Error Suspense
Last 2 Weeks
Last 6 Periods
This Period
Unbilled By Payee, Check Number
Unbilled By Payee, Project
Unbilled By Project, Payee
Uncleared By Check Number
Zero Dollar Checks


Employee Reimbursables

Book Marks
By Employee
By Employee Last 2 Weeks
By Employee Last 6 Periods
By Project
By Project Last 2 Weeks
By Project Last 6 Periods
By Sales Invoice
Emp Reim Open By Invoice Date
Error Suspense
Last 2 Weeks
Last 6 Periods
Open By Employee
This Period
Unbilled By Employee, Invoice Date
Unbilled By Employee, Project
Unbilled By Project, Employee



Active By Code
Active By Dashboard Group
Active By Job Title
Active By Job Type
Active By Manager
Active By Name
Active By Org Unit
Active By Payroll Group
Active By Timesheet Group
By Anniversary Month
By Code
By Name
Inactive By Code
Inactive By Job Type
Inactive By Manager
Inactive By Name
Inactive By Org Unit
Last Review
Open E/R


Expense Sheets

My Expensesheets By Check No.
My Expensesheets By Date
My Expensesheets By Project Code
My Expensesheets By Project Name
My Unpaid Expensesheets
Open By Approver
Open By Date
Open By Employee
Unapproved  Where I Am The Alt Approver
Unapproved  Where I Am The Approver
Unpaid By Employee


General Journal

Bank Adjustments
Book Marks
By Period
Credit Card Cash Basis
End of Year Closings
Error Suspense
Invalid Bank Transfers
Labor Distributions
Last 2 Weeks
Last 6 Periods
Rev Rec/Profit Sharing
This Period


Project Central

Active Projects
Active Rollup Projects
All Billable Projects
By Client
By Contract Type
By Market
By Org Unit
By Principal
By Project Accountant
By Project Manager
By Rate Schedule
By Report Type
Consultant charged in last 5 days
Dormant Projects
Inactive Opportunities
Inactive Projects
Labor charged in last 5 days
Open A/R
Opportunities By Stage
Overbudget Projects
Overdue by 45 Days or More
Plan Templates
Project Plans
Projects Active This Year
Projects with Backlog
Projects with WIP
Scheduled in next 5 days
Unapproved Change Orders
Unapproved Expense Sheets
Unapproved Time


Project Planning

Active By Billing Group
Active By Client
Active By Code
Active By Contract Type
Active By Expense Group
Active By Invoice Design
Active By Invoice Group
Active By Market
Active By Name
Active By Org Unit
Active By PIC
Active By Prj Acct
Active By Prj Mgr
Active By Rate Schdule
Active By Report Type
Active Fixed Fee Projects
Active Indirect
Active Opportunities By Code
Active Opportunities By Name
Active Plans
Active Projects With WIP
Active With No Bill Rate Schedule
By Code
By Name
Inactive  By Prj Mgr
Inactive By Client
Inactive By Code
Inactive By Contract Type
Inactive By Market
Inactive By Name
Inactive By Org Unit
Inactive By PIC
Inactive By Prj Acct
Inactive By Report type
Inactive Indirect
Inactive Opportunities By Code
Inactive Opportunities By Name
Inactive Plans
My Active Projects
My Inactive Projects
Open A/R
Plan Templates
Scheduled in next 5 days
Unapproved Change Orders
Unapproved Time



Active By Billing Group
Active By Client
Active By Code
Active By Contract Type
Active By Expense Group
Active By Invoice Design
Active By Invoice Group
Active By Market
Active By Name
Active By Org Unit
Active By PIC
Active By Prj Acct
Active By Prj Mgr
Active By Rate Schdule
Active By Report Type
Active Fixed Fee Projects
Active Indirect
Active Opportunities By Code
Active Opportunities By Name
Active Plans
Active Projects With WIP
Active With No Bill Rate Schedule
By Code
By Name
Inactive  By Prj Mgr
Inactive By Client
Inactive By Code
Inactive By Contract Type
Inactive By Market
Inactive By Name
Inactive By Org Unit
Inactive By PIC
Inactive By Prj Acct
Inactive By Report type
Inactive Indirect
Inactive Opportunities By Code
Inactive Opportunities By Name
Inactive Plans
My Active Projects
My Inactive Projects
Open A/R
Projects Active This Year
Unapproved Change Orders
Unapproved Time


Purchase Journal

Book Marks
By Project
By Project Last 2 Week
By Project Last 6 Periods
By Sales Invoice
By Vendor
By Vendor Last 2 Weeks
By Vendor Last 6 Periods
Error Suspense
Last 2 Weeks
Last 6 Periods
Open By Due Date
Open By Vendor
This Period
Unbilled By Project, Vendor
Unbilled By Vendor, Invoice
Unbilled By Vendor, Project


Receipt Journal

Book Marks
By Bank Account, Deposit Date
By Payer
By Payer Last 2 Weeks
By Payer Last 6 Periods
By Project
By Project Last 2 Weeks
By Project last 6 Weeks
Cleared By Bank Rec Date
Cleared By Deposit Date
Error Suspense
Last 2 Weeks
Last 6 Periods
This Period
Uncleared By Check Date


Sales Journal

Book Marks
By Client
By Client Last 2 Weeks
By Client Last 6 Periods
By Project
By Project Last 2 Weeks
By Project Last 6 Periods
Credit Memos
Error Suspense
Last 2 Weeks
Last 6 Periods
Open By Clients
Open By Due Date
This Invoicing Period
This Period
Zero Dollar Invoices


Time Sheet

My Timesheets By P/E Date
My Timesheets By Project Code
My Timesheets By Project Name
Open By Approver
Open By Employee
Open By P/E Date
Unapproved Where I Am The Alt Approver
Unapproved Where I Am The Approver


Timesheet Adjustments

By Employee
By Employee Last 12 Weeks
By P/E Date
By P/E Date Last 12 Weeks
By Project, Employee
By Project, P/E Date
By Sales Invoice
Unbilled By Project, Employee
Unbilled By Project, P/E Date
Unprocessed Time



Active By 1099 Type
Active By Code
Active By Name
Active By Type
By Code
By Name
Inactive By 1099 Type
Inactive By Code
Inactive By Name
Inactive By Type
Open A/P