OH Allocation Scripts

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The OH Scripts applet is where you can Optionally build the scripts that will be run when using the Overhead Allocation utility. More on Overhead Allocation



The InFocus Toolbar is dynamically built in accordance with the active applet on the screen. More on Toolbar Options


Additional Toolbar Options

Aside from the standard toolbar options this applet has the following options:

Script - When selected, you get a are prompt to enter a New Script.
Print Script Results - Runs the OH Scripts Report. More on the OH Scripts Report


Field Descriptions


Name - Name of the Overhead Allocation Script.  Double-click on it to bring it into focus.



Script Name - Name of the Overhead Allocation Script.  It can be edited here.
Calculation Type - Calculation Type that will be used by the Allocation Script.  Options are Single Period, Multi-Period and Balance Forward.
Variance Account - Account that the Variance will be posted to when the utility is run.



Calc. Labor From Timesheet - When checked, the Labor amounts will be calculated from Timesheet transactions when the Allocation Script is run.
Clear Previous OH Allocation - When checked, the previous Overhead Allocation will be deleted when the Allocation Script is run.
Is DPE - When checked, the script is used to calculate DPE.
Only Use timesheets processed by labor distribution - When checked, only timesheets processed by Labor Distribution utility will be used by the script. More on Labor Distribution
Use Work Dates - When checked, the Work Dates will be used when the Allocation Script is run.


Script Steps

Description - Double click to bring into focus. Line items here are entered through the Step Properties when you click Add Step at the bottom of the grid. More on Step Properties