Step Properties

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The Step Properties appears when you click Add Step at the bottom of the OH Allocation Scripts>Script Steps grid. More on OH Allocation Scripts


Field Descriptions


Step Number - Step Number that the script will be run in the Overhead Allocation Script.
Description - Description of the Script.
Method - Method to be calculated by the script. Options are Direct Labor and Total Labor.
From G/L Account - Source G/L Account
To Base Account - Destination G/L Account
Apply to Projects - When checked, the step will apply to the projects.


Source Tab

Org Units

Org Units - When selected, the Org unit is used as a source Org Unit in the Script Step. More on Org Units


Accounts - When selected, the Accounts selected are used as a source Account in the Script Step. More on GL Accounts
All Indirect - When selected, all indirect Accounts will be used as a source Account in the Script Step.
Lines - Lines to be called in the script
oLine No - Order that the line will be calculated when the Script Step is run.
oOrg. Path - Org Path that the line will calculated when the Script Step is run.


Target Tab

Use - When selected, the Org Unit is considered a target for the Script Step
Include Children - When selected, the children of the Organizational Unit are included in the Script Step.
Org Path - Path of the Organizational Unit.