Addresses Tab Marketing>Opportunities

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The Addresses Tab contains the addresses of the selected firm. Clicking on a field in a Firm row will expose the Addresses Tab.



Field Descriptions

Below are field descriptions for the Addresses Tab.


Main Address


Name - Named address. Not available for employee contacts.
Street 1 - Address line 1
Street 2 - Address line 2
Street 3 - Address line 3
Street 4 - Address line 4
City - City
State - State
Zip - Zip Code
State - State
Country - Country
Phone - Telephone number
Fax - Fax number
Latitude - Latitude of Address
Longitude - Longitude of Address
Copy to Clipboard - Copies address to the clipboard of the local workstation.
Geocode - When clicked, the Latitude and Longitude are filled in with the location of the Main Address.  This can be used in the Map Viewer applet. More on the Map Viewer.