General Tab (Opportunities Detail) Marketing>Opportunities

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The General Tab contains many of the fundamental fields involved in the setup of Opportunities.



Field Descriptions

Below are field descriptions for the General Tab.

** Indicates a required field



Active - Check this box to make this an active firm.
** Code - Unique Code of the Firm.
** Name - Name of the Firm.
** Firm - Firm assigned to this Opportunity.
Org. Unit - Organizational Unit assigned to project. More on Organizational Units


Opportunity Info

Stage - Marketing Stage that the Opportunity is currently at. A User Defined Field. The Stage list is managed under Administration>List Management>Lead Stages.
Lead Source - Lead Source of the Opportunity. A User Defined Field. The Lead Source list is managed under Administration>List Management>Lead Sources.


Chat Handle

Chat Handle - User handle for instant messaging applications like Slack, Skype, etc.


Opportunity Dates


Start - Anticipated Start Date of the Opportunity.
End - Anticipated End Date of the Opportunity.
Proposal Due - Estimated Due Date of the Proposal.
Expected Close - Estimated Close Date.


Market Sectors


Market Sectors associated with the Opportunity. More on Market Sectors