Market Sectors Tab Project Administration>Projects

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The term Market Sector is typically used to describe a part of the economy. It can be a set of businesses that are buying and selling similar goods and services that are in direct competition with one another. A project can be assigned to one or more market sectors. A percentage can be placed next to each market sector to designate the percentage of the project's cost and revenue that should be assigned to a particular market sector. Financial statements can use these percentages. Also, project management reports can be printed by market sector.



Field Descriptions

Below are field descriptions for the Market Sectors Tab.

Apply - Selects the Market Sector(s) to be used on the current project.


Sector Name - Name of the Market Sector. A User Defined Field. The Market Sector list is managed under Administration>List Management>Market Sectors.


% - Designates the percentage of the project's cost and revenue that should be assigned to a particular market sector.