General Tab Administration>Permissions

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The General Tab displays when the User/Group was created.  In User mode, the General Tab allows you to manage User Status and Passwords. In Group Mode, you are able to edit the Group Name.



Field Descriptions

User Mode (When you click the lock icon on the User Tab)

Created - Date and time user account was created. Informational only and cannot be modified.
Employee Code - Employee code assigned to this user account. Informational only and cannot be modified here. More on Employees
Password Reset - This is where a user can change their passord.
oNew Password - New user account password
oConfirm Password - Confirmation of new user account password
oChange Password - Commits the password change

Note - Click Save to save any changes made on this tab.


Group Mode (When you click the lock icon on the Group Tab)

Name - Contains the name of the group. (It can be changed here).
Created - Date and time that the group was created. Informational only and cannot be modified.

Note - Click Save to save any changes made on this tab.