Members (of) Tab Administration>Permissions

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The Members (of) Tab displays what members are in a User/Group.  In User mode, the Member of Tab displays the Groups that the user is a member of. In Group Mode, the Members Tab displays the Users that are included in the Group.



Field Descriptions

User Mode (When you click the lock icon on the User Tab)

Member - When checked, the User is a member of the selected Group.
Group - The name of the group. (It can be selected here).


Note - Click Save to save any changes made on this tab.


Group Mode (When you click the lock icon on the Group Tab)

Is Member - When checked, the User is a member of the selected Group.
Username - The Username of the Employee. More on Employees
Employee Code - The Code of the Employee.
Employee Name - The Proper Name of the Employee.


Note - Click Save to save any changes made on this tab.















The Members Tab. This tab contains a list of all users setup in the system. Information cannot be modified on this box.


Location - How to assign Members to a Group:

Step 1 - Go to the Permissions Applet located in the Administration Module. Click on the Groups Tab.

Step 2 - Click on the Lock Lock located next to the "Admin" group.


Step 3 - A "Permissions for Administrators" box will pop up. Click on the Members Tab.



Step 4 - Check the Is Member box next to the desired users to be included in the group, and click Save.




Is Member - When checked, this user is a member of this group.



Members Of Tab.

Location - Use the path given in the Users’ Overview section of the manual. First, click on the lock. Next, a pop-up box (illustrated below) called InFocus Permissions for "User Name" will appear (descriptions below).



Description - This tab will contain a list of all users setup in the system. Information cannot be modified on this box.


Is Member - When checked, this member is a part of this group.


Click Save to save any changes.