Groups Main Tab Administration>Permissions

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The Groups Tab displays the list of Groups that have been created. Group Permissions are created to restrict access throughout InFocus to a Group of users.



Key Concepts

Permissions are additive, meaning a user has permissions assigned directly to them, as well as rights assigned to groups of which the user is a member.
Groups usually are established based on common departmental requirements. For instance, the user may establish an Accounts Receivable group and assign all personnel who perform client billing to that group.
In a typical setup, you want to use Group Permissions only.  Group Permissions are easier to manage than individual user permissions.


Field Descriptions

Lock icon - When clicked, the InFocus Permissions Editor is opened. More on the InFocus Permissions Editor
Group Name - Name of the Permission Group.
Enter New Line - Type in a Group Name here and click Save I to add a new Group.