The Users Tab displays the list of users that have been created. Here you can create users and manage both password settings and Domain Accounts.
Key Concepts
• | When an employee is added to the system in Employee Setup, assuming he was given a login name at that time, he will be added automatically as a user. |
• | You can add a user by entering a new login here, then associate an employee to that login and click Save. |
Field Descriptions
• | Include Inactive - When selected, the list includes Users that have been flagged as Inactive. This is done through the Employees applet or the InFocus Permissions Editor. More on Employees |
• | Login - This is the login name that the user will access InFocus with. |
• | Employee Code - Employee Code of the employee associated with the Login. |
• | Employee Name - Employee Name of the employee associated with the Login. |
• | Require Reset - When checked, the employee is required to reset their password once the number of days specified in Global Settings have passed in comparison to the Last Password Change date. More on Passwords |
• | Last Password Change - Date used to determine when an employee is required to change their password. |
• | Enter New Line - Type in a User Name here, fill out the additional info and click Save I to add a new User. |