UDF Tab Utilities>PM Report Designer

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The PM Reports Team Leaders Tab. On this tab, team leader filters are selected.


Field Descriptions

UDF Field - Drop-down includes any Project UDFs. More on User Defined Fields
Operator - Choices are =, <>, >, <, >=, <=, between, and is not null. Is not null is synonymous with a blank or empty field.
oValue 1 -  Used with all filter operators except is not null. This is the value that completes the filter operation (except in the case of the between operator). In the case of the between this represents the lower range.
oValue 2 - Used only with the between operator. This represents the upper range.



Print Expanded - Project Management reports use drill down and are rendered in a collapsed mode. However, when print expanded is checked, all drill downs are expanded. To view these details in a printed hard copy, check this option.
View Data - To export the raw data of the report to Excel without including headers, footers, and grouping areas (i.e., a two-dimensional listing), click on the View Data button. The data that comprises the report will appear in a grid that can then be exported.
Print - Renders the PM Report.
Cancel - Cancels the action.