Pre-Bill Report Accounts Receivable>Reports>PA Bill Review>Pre-bill Report

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This standard report will print the billing instructions entered by the project manager.



Key Concepts

This reports is run (consumed) at Accounts Receivable>PA Bill Review>Prebill (toolbar).
When the Reviewed button is checked in PA or PM Bill review, the report column labeled Reviewed By will change to Marked Reviewed, signifying the PM has signed off on the changes. The intent of the report is to save hard copies of the PM change requests. This report is accurate only if it is printed prior to the changes being made.
The Pre-Bill Report is classified as an Report Management report, therefore reside at Utilities>Report Management.
Access to these reports are granted through Permission, they are granted on the User/Group Permissions Tab. More on Permissions
You are unable to modify the Original version of a report, however, you are able to copy a report and modify it. More on Customizing a Report Management Report