Project Central Project Management>Project Central

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Project Central a centralized work space for Project Managers. PMs can view multi-project metrics or work with a single project to view project to date figures, set budgets and contracts, schedule resources and perform bill review. Project Central is organized (left to right) by the Navigator and a primary screen with drill in detail that consists of the following tabs: Overview (default tab), Bill Review, Contract, Budget, Schedule, Team, Contacts, Documents, and Addresses. Please note that when selecting multiple projects, only the Overview tab (with corresponding Charts and Detail) is available. The chapters that follow discuss each area of functionality in this powerful new applet (InFocus 2.0 and greater).



Additional Toolbar Options

Aside from the standard toolbar options this applet has the following option in the toolbar:

Menu Options

oPlan - Launches the Project Plan Settings dialogue used to develop a new plan
oPlan from Template - Launches template selection to be used to develop a new plan
oProject Figures - Launches the Project Figures report for the currently loaded project. Available only when viewing single projects.
oPlan - Launches the Project Plan Settings dialogue used to develop a new plan
oPlan from Template - Launches template selection to be used to develop a new plan
oLaunches the Project Plan Setting dialogue for the selected project. Note, only available via Can Edit Project Details special rights.
Load Selected Projects
oLoads the selected projects from the Navigator. Primarily used when selecting multiple projects.
Refresh - Refreshes the data in the primary screen
Configure Charts - Launches the Configure Charts Dialogue. 
oChart Packs
This dialogue can be used to Add Charts to the current screen, add Chart Packs to the current screen or save the currently displayed Charts as a Chart Pack.
oAnalytic Dashboard
Analytic dashboards allow you to use an analytic Dashboard in place of the standard Chart Pack version of the dashboards. More on Configuring Project Central to use Analytic Dashboards
Fields and Formulas - Launches the Fields and Formulas Dialogue where the user can define Field Permissions for the Overview Tab and Formula Fields for use on the Overview Tab.