New Entry Tab Utilities>Project History

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New Entry Tab. New historical entries are made on this tab. The amount of detail I up to the user.

Key Concepts

Click on Add Entry in the toolbar to post the entry.


Field Descriptions


Project - WBS Path; required field.
Employee - Employee. Required. If you do not wish to record to the employee level, then add an inactive employee and name it something like "History".
Job Title - Optional.
Home Org Unit - Optional
Charge Org Unit - Optional
Labor Code - Optional



Work - Hours worked
Bill - Hours to charge client. Typically same as work hours.
Bill Status - Bill Status of transaction. Options are Never Bill, Write-off and Billed. Required
Is Hourly Employee - When checked, the timesheet entry is flagged as being an hourly employee; optional.
Is Overtime/Premium - When checked, timesheet is flagged as overtime.


Work Date

Work Date - Date of work. can be an As-of date.


Extended Dollar Amounts

Pay - Extended pay amount
Job Cost - Extended job cost amount.
Bill - Extended bill amount
Comments - Comments to appear in Project Management reports.