The Schedule by Percentage utility gives you the ability to schedule an employee and/or Job Title (Allocation) over a period of time. You are able to see Potential Hours as well as choose a percentage of hours that you would like to schedule.
Key Concepts
• | Located in the top-left of the Resource Schedule window. The Schedule by Percentage tool is enabled when you click on the lowest node of the project WBS. By clicking the wand icon, you will get the Schedule by Percentage Pop-up. |
Field Descriptions
• | Project info - The Project Node selected is located at the top in bold. |
• | Employee - The Employee lookup gives you a list of all Active Employees. If left blank, Generic Resource will be used as a "place holder". |
• | Job Title -Â The Job Title lookup gives you a list of all Active Job Titles. If left blank, Generic Job Title (Allocation Code) will be used as a "place holder". |
• | Start Date - The date in which you want the scheduling to start. |
• | End Date - The date in which you want the scheduling to end. |
• | Percentage - The Percentage of Potential Hours or Available Hours. |
• | Potential Hours - Looks at the "Hours per day" and the "Allowable Days" (Toolbar>Edit>Preferences>Schedules Tab) to come up with the potential hours within the start and end dates.  |
• | Available Hours - Looks at the time Scheduled for the selected Employee across ALL Projects and subtracts the hours scheduled for the selected Employee on the current Project. The Job Title will have an effect. If the Employee is "over scheduled", you will see a negative. |
• | Hours to Schedule - The number of potential hours multiplied by the Percentage. |