Members Tab Project Administration>Projects

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The Members Tab establishes Project Leaders, Team Members, and Organizational Charging of a project.



Field Descriptions

Below are field descriptions for the Members Tab.

Project Leaders

Principal In Charge - The Principal that owns this project. Acts as a filter in Project Management reporting. Also allows permission for the creation of work orders.


Project Accountant - The Project Accountant acts as a filter in Project Management reporting. It also allows the user to make billing adjustments and invoice this project. It also allows permission for the creation of work order.


Project Manager - The Project Manager acts as a filter in Project Management reporting. It also allows the user to plan a project, review project billings, and generate work orders for that project.


Line-Item Approval


Time Sheets - When Time Line-Item Approval is enabled (Global Settings), these fields are used to govern whether the time against the Project needs to be approved by line or not.
Expense Sheets - When Time Line-Item Approval is enabled (Global Settings), these fields are used to govern whether the time against the Project needs to be approved by line or not.


Note: There are 4 options:

1.Default - Looks at the Global setting of Required or Not Required
3.Not Required
4.Required (Allow Approver) - Allows the Assigned Approvers (HR> Employees> Accounting Rates Tab) to approve line items in addition to the Project Leaders.        


Member Settings


Restrict Time and Employee Expense to Team Members - When checked, only employees who are team members can charge to this project. Project leaders are implicitly considered team members and do not need to be listed.


Organizational Charging


Owning Org Unit. -  The Owning Organizational Unit has the primary responsibility for a project. The level of the org unit must be equal to or above the sharing profit center level as established in Global Settings. If no owner is established, the project is considered open, and any organization can charge to it. More on Organizational Units


Note - The Owning Org Unit is especially significant in revenue recognition and automated invoicing.


Organizational Charging Settings


Allow All Cross Charging - When checked, all org units can charge to this project. Cross-charging in InFocus means the organizations (not the owning organization or a sharing organization) that charge to this project will have the cost of the charges transferred to the owning organization. Likewise, the owning organization receives all revenue for those charges.


Always Allow Owning Organization -  When checked, the owning organization is always permitted to charge to this WBS, regardless of sharing organization settings.


Team Members


Team Members - Team members are assigned for three reasons:
a.To restrict charging to a project.
b.For informational purposes.
c.To alter or override their allowable job titles on a project. (To assign alternate job titles, add an employee to a row in the grid. Click on the button at the right edge of the row to add job titles.)


Wizard Button - Clicking on this option will open up a screen listing all Employees and all Job Titles.  You can select multiple employees and assign them a series of job titles.  This option is designed to add multiple project members with the same job title(s).  It does not show what job tile members are currently assigned to. The wizard merely facilitates adding new members and assignments.


Below are field descriptions for the Team Members Grid

Employee Code - Code of the Employee associated with the Project.
Employee Name - Name of the Employee associated with the Project.
Default Job Title - Default Job Title given to the employee on this project by using the Icon (3 people) described below. More on Job Titles
Role - Project Role of the Employee. A User Defined Field. The Project Role list is managed under Administration>List Management>Project Roles. More on Project Roles
Icon (3 people) - Allows a user to override the Employees default Job Title.  You can also establish a list of Job Titles available to the employee when entering time.