Roll-up Nodes Project Administration>Projects

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This section discusses the concept of a Roll-up Node. More on Project Nodes



Key Concepts

Roll-up Nodes exists only at level 1.
Roll-up nodes allow multiple Bill Terms Nodes (Projects) to be connected together for the purpose of summarization in Project Management reports.
Roll-up Nodes can contain no other attributes other than a code and a name
Roll-up Nodes allows multiple projects to be subtotaled together in project management reports A separate WBS delimiter can be used from the rest of the WBS delimiter. For instance , 9801.01-A-001 is a four-level structure where the roll-up is 9801; the project is 01; the first level beneath project is A; the bottom level is 001.  This is set at Global Settings>project Admin Tab>Delimeters Section.
When roll-up nodes are inserted above an existing WBS, the WBS path now begins with the roll-up node and is separated by a delimiting character from the rest of the WBS path.