Rate schedules can be used to control Pay Rate, Job Cost and Bill Rates on individual projects. If Rate Schedules are not used the rates are pulled from the Pay Histories Tab (Pay Rate) and the Accounting / Rates Tab (Bill and Job Cost Rates) in the Employee file. More on Employees. Once rate schedules are set up, they can then be applied to Projects (Where to apply Project).
Key Concepts
• | InFocus supports those firms that revise their rate schedules annually with date revisions of rate schedules. Time sheet work dates are compared to the Schedule Period ranges of the Rate Schedules when locking in on a rate. |
• | When time sheets are entered or edited in the system, they automatically pick up rates and store them in the time sheet module, where they are available for reporting. |
• | If the Rate schedule is changed after time sheet have been submitted, the time sheets DO NOT recognize the new rate. The Recalculate Rates utility is used to retroactively apply rates to time entries. More on Recalculate Rates |
• | Rate schedules are date-sensitive to all period changes to schedules. |
• | If there is not a match when InFocus looks at the Rate Schedule, the rates are pulled from the Employee File. More on Employees |
Field Descriptions
• | Name - Name of the Rate Schedule. Must be unique. |
• | Schedule Type - Type of Rate the Schedule controls. |
o | Bill Rate Schedule - When selected, the current Rate Schedule is a Bill Rate Schedule. |
o | Job Cost Schedule - When selected, the current Rate Schedule is a Job Cost Schedule. |
o | Pay Rate Schedule - When selected, the current Rate Schedule is a Pay Rate Schedule, however, Pay Rates cannot be multiplier based. |
• | Description - Rate Schedule description |
Schedule Period
• | Schedule Period - Date range where the selected Rate Schedule is active. By clicking the look-up, you can see all of the periods associated with the Rate Schedule. |
• | Add Period - When you click on this, the user can create a new period to the current Rate Schedule. |
• | Delete Period - When you click this button, the user can delete the current period from the current Rate Schedule. |
Rate Schedules Grid
• | Description - The Rate Schedule Grid shows you all of the line items that make up the Rate Schedule. To add a line item click "Add Rate". To Edit a line, double-click on the line that you wish to edit. |
• | Job Code - Job Title Code.This line looks for the specific Job Title. if left blank (* represents blank), any employee is a match. More on Job Titles |
• | Job Title - Job Title Name |
• | Emp Code - Employee Code. This line looks for the specific Employee. if left blank (* represents blank), any employee is a match. |
• | Emp Name - Employee Name. |
• | Currency Name - Enabled with Multi-Currency Setup. Represents the transactional currency in which the rate is utilized. For example, if entering a Time Sheet (U.S. Dollars) only Rates of similar currency would be used in bill, cost or pay rate evaluation. For complete instructions on setting up a Multi-Currency environment, go here: More on Multi-Currency |
• | DPE X - The DPE (Direct Personnel Expense) Multiplier is applied to this row of the Rate Schedule. The Pay Rate from the Employee File (Unless the Pay Rate is overridden on the Rate Editor) is multiplied by the DPE multiplier to get a rate when a number is placed here. More on the Rate Editor |
• | OH X - The OH (Overhead) Multiplier is applied to this row of the Rate Schedule. The Pay Rate from the Employee File (Unless the Pay Rate is overridden on the Rate Editor) is multiplied by the DPE multiplier then by the OH multiplier to get a rate when a number is placed here. More on the Rate Editor |
• | Profit X - The Profit Multiplier is applied to this row of the Rate Schedule. The Pay Rate from the Employee File (Unless the Pay Rate is overridden on the Rate Editor) is multiplied by the DPE multiplier then by the OH multiplier, then by the Profit multiplier to get a rate when a number is placed here. More on the Rate Editor |
• | Flat Reg. Rate - Displays the overriding Regular Rate when "Use Flat Rates" is checked in the Rate Editor. More on the Rate Editor |
• | Flat Prem. Rate - Displays the overriding Premium Rate when "Use Flat Rates" is checked in the Rate Editor. More on the Rate Editor |
• | Add Rate - When you click on this, you will get the Rate Editor pop-up that will allow you to add a new line to the Rate Schedule. More on the Rate Editor |